Thursday, May 18, 2006


I know people are obsessed for things but I think this is the maximum I ever saw. Here is my co-worker he gets a large black coffee everyday from Starbucks. He even comes to meetings late but he wont miss his cup of coffee. I was surprised this morning to see him without his coffee and when I asked him the reason, I was shocked to hear his answer. He didn't get it because the girl who usually gives his cup everyday is off today. I remember my roommate telling me other day that people won't drink their drink if the person who makes it changes; I can understand that because they prepare according to their choice but to get a cup of black coffee I don't know whether the person is that important. I thought he was insane.
Talking about my roommate of course he is one of my best friend's he has obsessions too. He is so obsessed with some things for example he likes to come into the apartment using the same entrance always. He doesn't like to change even he is closer to other one.

Speaking of my best friend's one more best friend of mine I think he is the maximum. If he likes something he will do that all day long. I am not exaggerating here I mean what I say. For example,if he likes some dish in the lunch he will prepare same dish for may be 20 days and eat the same for lunch and dinner. Same with watching movies, sports and what not everything.
Seeing all these people and in order to self satisfy myself for not being consistent I always remember this old quote.

"Is not consistency the Habit of Fools."

1 comment:

UK said...

ur colleague is really insane...ur roommate is crazy but the last guy seems to b interesting, very interesting...