Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jumbo Cabinet

Indian Cabinet for the new UPA government was formed and it was huge. Am I being too naive too think do we really need 79 ministers with different portfolios to form a Government? There is separate minister for food processing, shipping, water resources, Coal and so on. Basically, there is a minister for everything we can imagine and for important portfolios like finance,defense etc there are two ministers. Regular minister and minister of State. I still don't understand this concept of minister of state.

I was also happy to see Congress getting the majority (I am up for one party getting majority whether it is congress or BJP instead of big coalition) as it need not depend on the coalition to form the government which enables more stable government but the purpose of giving a majority to one party is in jeopardy with this huge cabinet.

I applaud Mr.Singh when he got rid of veterans like Arjun Singh from Cabinet and bought in some new and fresh minds like Shasi Tharoor and Anand Sharma, but having visualized a 100 day road map for delivering good governance one would imagine a leaner and more efficient cabinet will ensure the results.

We need trimmer government. Taxpayers shouldn't have to payroll the fragmenting of ministries into ever smaller units coal, steel, chemicals and information & broadcasting. The government has a lot of scope to cut waste and spending. What it can gain in terms of efficiency, public trust will make for a good management which in turn enable a good and efficient government.

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